Thursday, May 16, 2013

This is a test really...

Two weeks ago maybe, I hit upon the idea of sticking the MacBook back in the, "computer room".  (One of the, "back bedrooms," of this house.  So, Sunday, May 12, "The Admiral," and I  spent all afternoon and into the evening, "dusting".  We took the computer table apart and made sure it was dusted really well.

(I can't believe I am picking up CFRB 1010 [actually CFRX] via short-wave on 6070 via a small Grundig YB400PE.

I took pictures of the table(s) that we use to make the computer table.  It is quite a contraption.  The one table at the very back next to the wall, consists of:
a table top that we think was, The Admiral's mother's childhood table; it looks to be the top to a child's table; we found it in pieces in the garage; the legs to this table came from my stepfather; he bought odd pieces of wood to make furniture from a paint your own furniture place that was going out of business; on top are two ancient fruit crates; yes, the labels on them were probably collectable and might have been valuable; they seemed damaged some what, we attached a vintage look telephone we got as a gift to one of the crates with, "molly screws"; I have old bottles and other ephemera on the, "middle" shelf; on the top shelf I have an old teapot, some Tobacciana, an old English made ping pong ball, there's even a two page advertisement for BBC Radio 1 that I have framed; beyond this top shelf is this large map I have resting on the shelf, it is a world map stuck to a large piece of cardboard, we managed to carve up a piece of someone's refrigerator box that they were throwing away, (I like to re-use rather than recycle), I wanted a map to stick pens in showing the radio stations I've picked up; etc...

I hope to start a new page to the writing website and stick photos I took of the, "computer table," on there.   I tried to take photos before, but it was very difficult to see what I was talking about.

This is a test, because I am trying out how it all works.  You will see some wood blocks in the photos.  I managed to use them under the MacBook stand to lift it up some.  (avoiding neck strain)  I am using an old wired Mac Pro keyboard now.  (as opposed to the wireless Mac keyboard we got, or the one that came with the MacBook)

Ok CFRX has faded for some time.  I am listening to a strong signal consisting of static and interference from the computer.  I don't think CFRX went off the air, but maybe they do go off at midnight.  I think I hear a station in there somewhere, but the static drowns it out.  I should find something else to listen to.  I will have to dig up some frequencies to some interesting stations.  I was getting Brazil in the Winter months.  This was after dark.   There is a National station (public broadcaster) that broadcasts the old style music to people in (I assume in remote areas of) Brazil.  The music --- some of it sounds like the language is Spanish and maybe French.  Mostly it is Portuguese.  The DJ's etc. are in Portuguese.  Most of the music we would call almost easy listening.  It is 30's, to the present, but it is the older style.  When they had Carnival before Easter, they aired live coverage of that.  That wasn't my thing really, it sounded very noisy....

This is the first time I have used this keyboard for a long period.  It looked rather dirty so I didn't want to use it until I wiped it off.  I keep mis-typing. At one point, I heard "Big Ben" bonging-- and that was because I hit the F12 or F11 key and I started up the, "dash board".  There's a thing on the MacBook called, a "dash board".  You can download lots of widgets to stick on it.  I downloaded some clocks, one of them being, "the tower of Big Ben".  (which isn't the proper name)  And when you start up the dash board the clock chimes.

I think the keys on this keyboard are too close together?  I don't know what it is.  I guess I have to get used to it.  The more I use it the less I mis-type.  Also, I am getting used to using the mouse again.  I have a wireless battery powered mouse.  It is so much easier than using the track pad on the MacBook! I have the MacBook situated so far away that it is difficult to use the track pad.  That way I am forced to use the mouse.  Yea!  It doesn't hurt to use the mouse.

Ok, I have been waiting to use this set up for a few days now.  I wrote a rough draft of a new start to my Osbert Pickle story.  I want to type it up and print out a copy. (which will be easier to read without having to fight my scribbles and cross outs)

Right now the story opens with Osbert trying to juggle an old-fashioned steamer trunk, and his small dog as he makes his way down a hill with ankle deep snow on it. Of course Osbert has help carrying the trunk down the hill. He is trying to get to a train station. He surprises the station manager as the train just left the station and the manager won't be expecting more passengers to arrive for another day or two.  This is a small station that isn't used as often.

(The trunk is the kind with the drawers inside and the space for hanging clothes.  Speaking of which, sometimes via eBay, I run across vintage folding clothes hangers in their own leather case.  I always assume you would use them in such a steamer trunk.)

I'm off to type in what I have so far, get a snack and hit the trail and go to bed.  I think the cats might want in also.

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