Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Current Events

Am listening to CFRB 1010 via CFRX 6070 (Toronto, Ontario news talk radio).  Eating a bowl of stew I left in the oven too long.  It isn’t stew as I had growing up, which is really a beef soup.  This is a variation of a stew from the, “Wise Encyclopedia of Cookery”.  The bowl of stew I cooked didn’t get burned.  Amazingly!  There is a state of emergency for Ontario.  In Canada they coined a new word, “Caremongering”.  To monger is to sell or purvey something.  The Bible talks about, “fear mongering” [one word]. Caremongering, is where one shops for elderly neighbors and such like.  

I had a physical at the doctor’s today. It was nearly a, “virtual” instead of a physical.  We had to wait in the parking lot and call to let them know we were there.  They came out to get me when they were ready.  Douglas had to stay in the car. Saw a new doctor as the old one retired. That was a shock when he announced his retirement.  The new doctor is a woman.

Douglas texted and he’s bringing me cheese and potato perogies from Thomas’s.  [Perogies are Polish.] I am not afraid of the virus exactly.  I do feel like I have walked into a dystopian novel’s story though.   The questions we have are things like:
Will Annie’s [a restaurant in Livonia] open up when the, “scare,” is over? [My first dinner choice was their fried shrimp.]
Is all this quarantine / isolation — social distance — just an exercise in, “what can we get away with in order to control the population, in the name of safety”?
What of these, “new normal,” measures will actually become adopted permanently and be normal in the end? [elbow bumping etc.]. 
 Will this, “social distance,” thing make worse the isolation caused by social media and screen gazing? I mean, will we get so used to, “social distance,” that when the, “scare,” is over, we become even more connected to people via screens, and social media such that we rarely connect in person?  In other words, will, “social distance,” become, “normal”?
If we are allowing these emergency measures to happen, what other measures or restrictions of liberty will, “they,” try next time?  

Douglas will be home soon.  I am supposed to be glueing a paper bag to the bottom of a box. [Have the bottom half of an Amazon box I am working on.  It is large and flat.  I want it to put small bits of paper (words and pictures) I have collected,  in it to sort them.]  I want to use the paper scraps in collage in a notebook.  I discovered an old planner book I bought for the photos inside it.  I am putting collage and journaling on the pages. [art journaling, junk journaling]  It is coming out really nice.  Glueing the bag to the box covers up the flaps so bits of paper won’t get lost under the flaps.

Douglas is home.  Going to eat and watch TV with Douglas later.  I recorded an old British program, “Escape to the Country,” via the CBC in Canada.  It is kind of like, “House Hunters”. This episode had them looking for million Pound [£££££] properties. We might watch that.  We watched a movie off the on demand the other day.  It was called, “Knives Out”.  It is a kind of murder mystery.  It was really good.  Great to see Christopher Plummer!!  Yet it needed something.  Of course I always say that, and can’t quite put my finger on what it needs.  This time we figured if the murder victim had faked his death or orchestrated the whole thing in the first place, that would have made the story better. 

I want Douglas to read this before I post it.  He is wanting to take advantage of early spring weather [late winter] and walk up and get a bottle of cream at the store.  So I have to finish now, if I am to keep Douglas happy.  If I keep writing to this, I will be, as Joe Bitner used to say, “burning daylight” [i.e. wasting daylight].

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